Mini-grids can be harnessed to deliver distributed power in rural and urban
communities to diversify Nigeria’s energy mix.
Mini-Grids & Distributed Power
Mini-grids offer trans-formative benefits to both rural and urban communities. It provides an opportunity to improve quality of life and boost productivity, particularly in areas with limited or no access to reliable electricity; this includes people who are connected to the national electricity grid but who often only receive electricity for a few hours per day.
Solar resources spans over more than half of Nigeria’s landmass and can be harnessed to deliver distributed power in rural and urban communities to diversify Nigeria’s energy mix.
At Benfik, we utilise experience and expertise across the solar power industry through strategic partnership and collaboration for a cost-effective and timely project delivery.
Advantages Of Our Mini-Grids & Distributed Power
- Flexible system configuration
- Integrated and customized solutions available
- Seamless switching between grid-connected and off-grid modes
- Modular design allows convenient expansion or extension
- High energy density means small floor area footprints
- Short construction period with high adaptability to site environment
- Optimum product design, high conversion efficiency, and black-start function
- Automatic remote monitoring system