About Us

Creating reliable and affordable dencentralised Solar Energy solutions for all

Benfik Solar & Energies is a renewable energy company that provides Solar and alternative energy systems to improve energy security for social and economic growth. Our goal is to provide a cost-effective and sustainable alternative power supply for homes, commercial centers, government institutions and other businesses.

As a company, we are committed to improving electricity supply and energy security by actively contributing to the diversification of Nigeria’s energy mix through renewable energy sources.

We are a renewable energy company that is passionate and interested in seeing various Homes, Offices, places of worship, streets and lots more lightened up, with the latest and cost effective Energy solutions, with over A decade experience as a company.

We supply variousSolar materials at wholesales and retail rates which includes;

  • Inverter
  • battery
  • panel
  • charge controller
  • DC blender
  • DC iron among others 

We install Offgrid and Mini Solar systems, with our team of certified and qualified solar engineers, leaving you with amazing unforgettable energy experience.

We provide professionally recognized Energy Audit for all categories of customers.


To create valuable impacts in sustainable development through reliable and affordable Solar energy solutions for all.


Actively contribute to the diversification of Nigeria’s energy mix and extend low-carbon and sustainable energy access to all for socioeconomic prosperity.


After over half a century of grid dependence and unstable power supply, the time for guaranteed power supply and self-sufficiency is now. We are committed to changing the way energy is produced and consumed by providing valuable and innovative solutions tailored to our local context. Our global network of industry partners serves an invaluable source of expertise and guidance for project implementation.

Kindly meet our Team

Ebenezer AJAYI


He is the Visioneer/

Founder of Benfik Solar. With over 9 years of experience and professional trainings in renewable energy systems, especially the solar energy space, tele-communications, electronic media and business develop-ment, he has grown the company from a one man business to an incorporated Limited Liability Com-pany, with active shareholders across the world.

Blessing Ogundipe


He’s an Economist by study and a trained solar energy expert with over 4 years experience on the field. He drives the team operations, which includes sales mobilization, install-

ations and the likes.

Damilare ADELEKE

Head, Tecnical Dept.

He’s a trained prof-essional Electrical Electronics Engineer both by study and practice with over 8 years cognate experience on the field. He handles design, installation and maintenance of all our installations.

Olajide Oluwasola

Head, Sales and Finance

He’s an accountant by study and practice and also doubles as sales Executive for the team. He handles our book keeping and all transactional records

Bello Tope

Head, IT

He’s a creative and multi-talented Digital Marketer with innova-tive ideas and a uni-que approach to visuals. He has exten-sive experience in advertising marketing. An enthusiastic team player who is comm-itted to delivering top results on time and within the budget. 

Residential Homes
Commercial Buildings
Industrial Building
Mini Grids